Timber Blog

You can rely on Pfeifer

Our customer relationships are deeply rooted.

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Aiming for genuine purpose and added value

Digitalisation in Marketing and Sales

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Effizienter Transport: Pfeifer Group realisiert bisher größte Schnittholz-Verladung per Bahn

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The future takes shape

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Pfeifer pellets stand for quality

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Gute Kundenbeziehungen federn so manche Turbulenzen ab

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Pfeifer as an attractive and innovative employer

Together towards a Working World 4.0

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Innovation in the spotlight

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Rail is top priority

Pfeifer heads into the future on multiple tracks

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Measurable results through active energy management

Optimisation with a vision

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Wooden pallets + Euro Pallets

A success model with a “family tree” and a bright future

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CLT at the Schlitz plant

Pfeifer CLT proves itself on the market

Timber Blog

Pfeifer + SAP S/4HANA

To standardised processes and more transparency

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The Future is now

Pfeifer takes off with Innovation Hub in Innsbruck

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Holzindustrie blickt optimistisch auf 2022:

Volatilität bleibt erhalten, aber ohne Extreme

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Optimisation with a vision

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Die Zukunft der Bau- und Energiewirtschaft ist grün

Bau und Energie im Wandel

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Chancenbaustoff des

3. Jahrtausends:

Zukunftsszenarien und Trends im Holzbau

Timber Blog

Bauen mit Holz wird Mainstream

Über Revolutionen, Herausforderungen und Trends im Holzbau

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Plenty of room for strategic development

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New Pfeifer Product conquers the market 

Mission CLT successfully launched

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The 3-ply panels with tongue and groove

A perfect fit for timber construction

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The Hybrid Innovation Team (HIT)

Our new Innovation Team is ready

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Expansion of production capacities

No.1 for biofuels pellets

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Efficiency on rails

Towards sustainable logistics

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Introduction of the new Quality Management Department

Passion for Quality

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Interview with Bernd Gusinde, Technical Sales Manager at Pfeifer CLT

“I feel very closely connected to our product.”

Timber Blog

Launch of customer website in January 2020

New Pfeifer B2B service portal relies on contemporary customer interaction

Timber Blog

High-profile industry meeting serves as a market indicator

4th Pellets Forum in Imst: Pfeifer on the path to becoming Central Europe’s nr. 1

Timber Blog

Ausbau der Kooperation mit Rail Cargo Group

Neuer Holzganzzug von Trento nach Wörgl für die Pfeifer Group

Timber Blog

Our neck of the wood(s) is called success:

10-year anniversary for the Pfeifer Group in Lauterbach

Timber Blog

Modernste Produktionstechnik und Arbeitsplatzqualität

Pfeifer Group treibt Standortentwicklung in Tschechien voran

Timber Blog

70 Jahre Leidenschaft für Holz

„Wir pflegen Wachstum mit Weitblick“

Timber Blog

Interview with Mario Molinari

Italian timber market is gathering speed

Timber Blog

Round timer purchasing in the Pfeifer Group

With trust comes responsibility

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CLT production in Schlitz starts in May 2019

Value creation deepened with future product CLT

Timber Blog


Part 1 of “Project Yellow” completed in Chanovice

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Intermodal transport

Railways as key for CO₂ savings

Timber Blog

“Trust and safety are decisive”

Timber Blog

Pfeifer & AT Thurnerbau Imst

We bring the mountain gastronomy of Sölden “under the umbrella”