

Invitation to our Pfeifer Talk: International sawn timber markets are changing

Schnittholz in 4 Varianten von Pfeifer
Schnittholz in 4 Varianten von Pfeifer

Is there enough sawn timber for all players or will there be a bottleneck in the long term?

In 2021, global softwood sawn timber demand could exceed 350 million m³/year for the first time ever and we are seeing incredible market dynamics.

The reasons for the current bottleneck are low production output in the first months of the pandemic, but above all the rapid increases in demand on the DIY sector, a strong rise in cross laminated timber production and timber construction, the last being a sector that is gaining market shares in Central Europe.

However, the latest numbers confirm that the sawmill industry in Germany has started into 2021 with a significant boost in output.

At the same time increased sawn timber demand in the US and Europe coincide with a stark decrease in exports to China. In total, this actually results in a lower export share in the foreign trade statistics. 

Three experts will provide a thorough analysis of this complex market situation during our next Pfeifer Talk which you can take part in from the comfort of your PC or smartphone.

Invitation to our Pfeifer Talk

Thursday, 10 June 2021, 4:00 – 5:30 pm


4:00 – 4:05 pm

Michael Pfeifer, CEO of the Pfeifer Group, greets the participants.

4:05 – 4:20 pm

Leonhard Scherer, Geschäftsführer of EUROBLOCK Verpackungsholz GmbH and Sales Manager at Pfeifer Timber GmbH, summarises the current market situation for sawn timber from the perspective of the timber industry.

4:20 – 4:45 pm

Lars Schmidt, General Secretary of the Board & General Manager of Deutsche Säge- und Holzindustrie Bundesverband e. V., reports on the production and consumption of sawn timber in Germany.

4:45 – 5:10 pm

Russ Taylor, Chairman of Russ Tylor Global – Wood Business & Market Consulting analyses global sawn timber markets and attempts to forecast future developments.

5.10 – 5.30 pm

Time to ask questions

The entire webinar will be simultaneously translated into English and Italian.

Florian Singer, Digital Sales and Marketing Manager at the Pfeifer Group, will serve as the host. There will be time for discussing and addressing the speakers after the talks.

Get your first-hand sawn timber updates and register for our live talk on 10 June right now.


We appreciate your participation! After registration, you will receive all details and a link to access the Zoom meeting in due time.

PS: Why is sawn timber now being traded at prices that seemed unthinkable until recently? Lars Schmidt, Russ Taylor and Leonhard Scherer will answer this and many other questions on 10 June.